蔡辰男先生捐贈書畫目錄,頁11、118 &*曾國藩(西元一八一一─一八七二年),湖南湘鄉人。湘軍名將。咸豐年間歷盡艱辛,剿滅江西、湖北、江蘇等省叛軍,功勳彪炳。被封為一等勇毅侯,歷任兩江總督、直隸總督,死後謚為文正。 此幅聯文為:「欹枕舊游來眼底,掩書餘味在胸中。」曾氏繼百家之大成,開湖湘之風氣。其字正而不妖,清而不淡,正乃其倔強血性性格之體現。 本幅為蔡辰男先生捐贈。&*Tseng Kuo-fan, a native of Hunan, was a famous general of the Hsiang Army. In the mid-19th century, he struggled ceaselessly to put down rebels in the provinces of Kiangsi, Hupeh, and Kiangsu. He was decorated for his success and went on to serve as Governor-general of Kiangsi and Kiangsu as well as the Hopeh area. In calligraphing this couplet of 7-character poetry in two lines, Tseng synthesized past achievements to create a distinctive Hunan manner. Though done in fluent running script, his characters are upright and straightforward, much like the unyielding manner that he took to battle and office. This work was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Ts'ai Chen-nan.